This project is part of the UX Writer’s Collective certification program. My role was to replace sample text with copy derived from my own research and brainstorming and make suggestions to the design team regarding missing components and any point of friction.
The Goal
The goal of the project is to provide an app to assist freelance workers in billing clients - primarily small business owners. Our primary user is the freelancer and secondary user is the client.
Competitive Analysis
Research included a competitive analysis for similar programs on the market. We studied focus, purpose and stand-out language while looking over the apps for UpWork, Skrill, Invoicely, and Fiverr. Not all concepts were used, but honing in on language choices proved to be invaluable in when working on the final project.
Initially we sorted our notes by the company of origin, looking for similarities and differences. We didn’t include the niche at first, but found that the apps function was often slightly different from other, similar apps. Niche became a valuable concept while determining what made our product special.
Here we rearranged our notes by category. To keep the note’s information connected with it’s origins, we noted the company observed in the top right corner with an initial. You can see here where language overlaps and that only one company marketed directly to the Freelancers, and then only for billing.
We then looked for and prescribed words to Handshake that augmented the voice the company wants to convey to their primary user..
Reading Personas
We were given two personas to base our language choice on. The first is a young freelancer and the second a middle aged business owner looking for website help. We used these to guide our word choices and to determine the level of tech expertise each user would have. We need to respect the limitations of the business owner while keeping the freelancer engaged with the process.
Customer Journey Flows
Our two personas evolved into two flows - one for the freelancer and one for the client. I’m showing flows where the freelancer and client have separate screens that they interact with. This highlights the difference in language usage while keeping a consistent overall voice for the app.
While the two screens are nearly identical, the end modal changes to accommodate the different personas used in this project. You’ll noticed that “Boom” is used to attract the attention of the younger freelancer while a more mature but equally enthusiastic “Fantastic” praises the client.
In Conclusion
This was the capstone project for the UX Writers Collective. The process taught me about the importance of collaboration and inquiry in the creation of microcopy and how simple choices can have a big impact on a user’s overall experience.