Role: Head Content Writer and Strategist
I had the opportunity to be part of TedXSeattle as the head content writer and strategist for our Other Sides campaign. There are several things that make this year’s events unique. Because of the 2020 pandemic, we hosted the first online event. This is also a year with no audience cap. We chose to make this year’s event free to the public as a gift to our embattled communities. It was an honor to be part of this season of Ted Talks.
Below are a few highlights of the work I did for this project.
Dominic Sivitilli’s TedXSeattle portrait
Speaker Biographies
I was one of 2 initial content writers writing biographies for 12 speakers. We started by asking speakers to write what they wanted to highlight about themselves. I then lead an initiative to conduct personal speaker interviews asking broad, more personal questions and including the results in both the biographies and our social media campaigns. The resulting work can be found on our speaker page. Dominic Sivitilli’s biography is an excellent example of my writing as it’s based entirely on personal interviews and my own research.
“Other Sides” is TedXSeattle’s 2020 theme.
One of the challenges in working with an organization like TedXSeattle is understanding the international tone and voice of the parent organization while also balancing the local organizational culture and community presence. Much of this work comes down to careful editing practices and tying together common themes that run through the organization.
Prior to going live, I took over the duties of the head strategist and proofread the entire website for error and consistency, testing all links. After, I continued to look for errors in social media links and event feeds, paying close attention to version control. More details of the overall editing process can be found by clicking below.